Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas 2007!!

Merry Christmas!

We will be headed to Pittsburgh this year for Christmas- but here are a few shots from our Charlotte Christmas! My parents are also coming down to Charlotte today, so we will have a few times to celebrate before the big day!

Here is a shot of us and Akula- he wasn't too excited about the paprazzi, so you can see he is trying to get away! Sometimes the paparazzi can be so tiring, I mean just ask Britney! (allso Nate did not grow a horn, just a poorly placed tree branch behind him:) )

And here is one of just Nate and I

I swear I am going to get out the yearly letter and Christmas cards soon, but until then, we wish everyone a very Happy Holidays!!
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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Megan's work travels

So- I got to do a run through Michigan last week, and since most everyone knows my love of moose and polar bears I thought I would share the fun of our visit to the Detroit Zoo- now I know most everyone else would have thought I spent time on 8 Mile with eminem while in Detroit, but no such luck ;)

We have a run at the zoo that we sponsor, so it made sense to visit the zoo, if anyone was wondering! If you go to Detroit- you have to go to the zoo- they have the best polar bear exhibit- I did not take my camera, so I have to rely on some utube stuff- but check these out, they are very similar to what we saw

I wanted to bring the 3 year old cub home with me, but to my dismay, the zoo folks said no! Seriously, Akula would love her-- maybe I can make a better case on my next visit
Good times ;)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Akula's new look

So, I came home from work one day to find our lovely little kitty had managed to wound himself- he had a huge wound on his head behind his ear- so I thought I would share some of the fun...

" I asked for a mohawk- this is what they gave me"

"wait, I kind of look like the Boz, and I don't really want to because, 1. He was a seahawk and 2. he was kind of a disappointment after college- but I guess he was kind of tough"... "bottom line, I am not going back to that barber"

And here is a glance at the fun called, franken kitty.... his final comment of the whole fiasco "seriously, this barber sucked- what cool cat wants to look like a poodle, luckily I stopped him after one leg"

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