Thursday, July 13, 2006

Ode to John

Well, here we are-- Charlotte, NC. After two years in Evanston, IL- Megan graduated from Kellogg and we have found ourselves in beautiful Charlotte. To keep everyone up to date we have decided to follow our friends' leads and start our very own blog. Because we enjoy John and Kamie's blog- I Wish I Had A Boat - and because our creative juices are just not flowing- we have decided to go with Wish I Had a Cabin- because- well, we do!! Charlotte is beautiful and we are very happy to be back on the east coast, but there still exists for us a huge desire to be near the mountains and get to them as often as possible. (Luckily we have some great mountain ranges only 2 hours away- they may not be the Rockies- but we plan to enjoy them just the same) So, until we find our own cabin, here in NC or out west- we hope this blog keeps everyone in the loop on our doings!


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