Thursday, July 13, 2006

Fly Fishing on the 4th

Maybe this could be our cabin?!!
We decided to take a 4th of July trip to celebrate everything- so on July 3rd after a weekend of setting up house, we headed to the Biltmore Estate in Asheville. It is only 2 hours away and is beautiful! There is a lot of hiking and the mountains are actual mountains- not just the hills I was expecting! So we plan on visiting here quite often- well, maybe not Biltmore every time, but definietly the local moutains and streams!

We spent the 4th learning how to fly fish- and had a blast!

Trust me, this fish is much bigger than it looks! Look out Montana and Wyoming, here we come!! Gaelyn, our guide, was great, and managed not to look too scared as a fly came zipping by his head! (His own doing- not ours!)

We highly recommend NLWilson's guide services- at least in Asheville they were great! We hope to visit a few of their other shops (Jackson Hole New Zealand) soon!

After a great day of fishing- we went back to the Inn (above with Nate saying hi) and enjoyed dinner and an amazing fireworks display for the 4th.

The following day we toured our future cabin- ahem- the Biltmore House- then headed back to Charlotte.


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