Lots to catch up on!!
So, we started this blog- and have been very unbloglike! Sorry, we promise to do better moving forward and will try to keep this up to date- so we don't find ourselves on a Sunday afternoon trying to recall all that has happened in the last 2+ months-
First- we did our very first home improvement job all by ourseleves (my parents helped with the initial moving in stuff- hanging ceiling fans and lights, and the tv and the closet organizer- wow!!) Anyhow- we decided we needed to paint the back of our built in bookshelves- and we were also supposed to build a library imn one of our closets (the closets are huge- as they are really an elevator shaft- just in case we had wanted an elevator) After 3+ hours sepent in Home Depot (as much as we would like to shop at Lowes- the Depot is actaully much cheaper and has had eveything we needed - so- while we are now in the south, surrounded by NASCAR and would rather not support Tony Stewart- the Depot still wins out- plus their military support wins out over NASCAR anyhow!!) and then a another trip to the Depot, Michaels and Walmart - the painting turned out great (In the words of a true geniius "No, she's a full-on Monet. It's like a painting, see? From far away, it's OK, but up close, it's a big old mess") Only kidding- they are great!! But we did learn that I am not too great at keeping the paint even!
(The pain is the same- more natural light makes it look brighter on the right) Please also notice our growing sports collection on the left)
Oh, and we will let you know when we finish the library!!
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