Sunday, October 01, 2006

ND vs. Michigan...

was a terrible football game, but was still well worth the trip to South Bend to see our friends and the finest institution in the land.

As usual we had the enjoyed the gracious hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Lutterbach at their tailgate and caught up with quite a few friends: Ryan & Ann, Nate & Colleen, Hardy, Norm and Sara, Chase, Tom (Doughnut). Norm and Sara are now married and looking to head back to Cleveland after he wraps up with the Navy soon. Chase is in LeMoore still flying and Tom is in DC working in intel.

We also visited the Cholis family tailgate and had a chance to catch up with Billy and Margaret after their recent wedding in DC. They will be in London within a month, where Billy is working for the State Dept as a Foreign Service Officer. We look fwd to visiting them.

We also took the opportunity to take a spin around the Mongram Club --- Megan doesn't mention it much, but always cool to check out her name up there with all the other letter winners. I'm proud of her!

A busy weekend flying in the morning of, but well worth the effort. We always enjoy heading back to visit ND and plan to make it back for at least a game per year. We may not get to hoist the crystal football this year, but at least we'll win the Commander's Cup! Go Irish!


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